“The power of this work doesn’t reside in the knowledge of models and systems, the real differentiator sits in how you use those models and systems to drive conversations which generate unique insights.”

Tom is a master at diving into the rigid, chaotic world of business operations and helping to develop and execute plans that have positive impact across all levels of an organization. Getting to the finish line—implementing a strategy that generates clear results—relies on having authentic, powerful conversations. These unencumbered conversations depend not only on a willingness to engage in discussions where there are no “sacred cows,” but also having a safe place to do so. Tom seeks to create this space, offering clients the opportunity to identify the critical issues—such clarity is essential for the success of any solution. Tom knows getting there can often be a work of art.

Tom has over 20 years’ experience working with senior executives and their teams on the development and execution of strategic and operational plans.  This includes creating strategic direction, cascading it throughout the organization and ensuring effective execution through the alignment of plans, budgets and culture.

While a consultant, Tom’s client base included public, private, not-for-profit and government organizations ranging from start-ups to multi-billion dollar companies (client list attached).  Expertise includes: strategic and tactical planning, facilitation, performance measurement, stakeholder consultation, and change management. A key strength of Tom’s is the ability to identify and understand the cross-functional requirements and interdependencies that drive focus and alignment which is the cornerstone to any organization’s success.

Tom’s style is to create the space for authentic conversations to happen, allowing critical issues to be identified, generating engagement in solution development and creating commitment to successful implementation.  Tom defines personal success when organizations have clarity of direction, are focused on the critical issues, and are rigorously attentive to the execution of plans they create and own.