Your One Thing for 2021

Your One Thing for 2021

Your One Thing for 2021

Your One Thing for 2021


It’s been a tough year. it’s also been a great year.

Whether we wanted it or not, 2020 gave us the opportunity to pause and reflect on what really matters in our lives and our organizations. Some leaders used this time to reconnect with their core values, refocused their efforts, and adapted to new needs that emerged. Others resisted the new reality and doubled down on their existing 3-year strategy, hoping the pandemic would pass quickly, and all would return to normal again. Some businesses were forced to close their doors for good, and some started new businesses to take advantage of emerging opportunities.

We can’t always control our circumstances. But what’s the one thing you want to intentionally shift in 2021?

Most of us find ourselves in a different place than we were in January 2020, both personally and organizationally. Rather than picking a handful of New Year’s resolutions, what’s the one thing that would not only change your life, but also the lives of others around you? What’s your one thing?

To help identify your one thing, here are some questions to reflect on:

  1. What’s one strength you could leverage more as a leader?
  2. What’s one habit holding you back as a leader?
  3. What’s one thing you finally need to let go of this year?
  4. What’s one decision you have been avoiding?
  5. What’s one behaviour your team needs to see more consistently from you?
  6. What’s one belief you need to shift about yourself?

So what’s your one thing?

It’s been said that we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a year, but underestimate what we can do in 5 years. Keep it simple in 2021. Pick your one thing and align it with where you want to be in 5 years.

Still not sure what your one thing is? It only takes one word of encouragement, one act of service, or one gift of generosity to make a difference in someone’s life.

Be the one thing for someone this year.

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